University of Salford
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Data relating to the ICA publication "Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking"

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This repository contains the results and analysis script for the experiment described in:

J Woodcock, BM Fazenda, TJ Cox and WJ Davies (2019). "Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking". In Proceedings of 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, ICA.

Running the MATLAB script './analysis/readPupilData.m' will read and process the raw results files contained in './results/*.mat'. This will generate a .csv file with the processed results named 'ProcessedResults.csv'.

The R Markdown script './analysis/listening_effort_analysis.Rmd' will run the statistical analysis and generate the plots in the paper.

Running the MATLAB script './generate_stimuli/generateMixtures.m' will make the stimuli used in the experiment and store them as .mat files in './generate_stimuli/stimuli'. To run this script, the zip file containing all Harvard sentences produced in quiet condition should be downloaded from here and unzipped into './generate_stimuli/speech_wavs':


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