'Towards Energy Recovery from Waste in Developing Countries: An analysis of the prospects and challenges of waste management in Abuja, Nigeria' by Eta Ojiji
Waste generation is a natural
product of urbanization, economic development, and population growth. Globally,
2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated annually and
this is expected to increase to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050, with projections
showing that most of the increase will be in the Sub-Saharan Africa region.
Nigeria like other developing countries in the region is faced with the problems
of open dumping, low waste collection rates and ineffective waste management
policies. Growing concerns about the negative consequences on health, the
increasing awareness of the need for environmental sustainability, and the need
for energy security have triggered the interest of governments in
waste-to-energy (WtE) technologies, as an effective means of simultaneously
dealing with the problems of waste management and electricity access. However,
the selection and introduction of these technologies require knowledge of waste
characteristics, comprehensive legal frameworks, and efficient waste management
systems. This research examines the challenges of the Nigerian waste management
system from a socio-demographic point of view. Using both quantitative and
qualitative methodologies, this research aims to construct a conceptual waste
management framework for the introduction of new technologies. The study
methods are carried out in two phases consisting of questionnaire surveys, a
waste composition analysis, focus group meetings, and semi-structured
interviews. Preliminary findings from the data analysis show that the challenges
of open dumping and low waste collection rates occur in all income groups.
However, there is a lack of information and communication regarding waste
management in mostly low-income areas.