University of Salford

Classical physics

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On the Noise Produced by a Propeller in Unsteady Rotational Motion

conference contribution posted on 2025-01-08

Ground Surface Material Classification with Drone Noise

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-29

Source Enhancement with Different MVDR Beamformer Designs for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Audition

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-29

UAV identification from acoustic signals using statistical learning: A state-of-the-art

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-28

Outdoor measurement approach for assessing multicopter UAV noise directivity during flybys

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-27

The effect of strut geometry on propeller-strut interaction tone noise

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-19

UAV noise emission characterisation using a compact on-board measurement system

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-19

Acoustic Characterization of a Quadcopter Using a Test Stand

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-14

Human response to characteristic sound of drones

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-14

Experimental Evaluation of Acoustic Drone Tracking using Mobile Microphone Arrays

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-14

Experimental Assessment of RPAS Noise Measurement Procedures

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-14

Human response to the flyover noise of different types of drones recorded in field measurements

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-14

Sparse Bayesian Learning for Quadcopter Localisation

conference contribution posted on 2024-11-14


dataset posted on 2020-08-26